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It doesn't matter what people says..It doesn't matter how long it takes..Believe in yourself, n you'll fly high..

Friday 30 September 2011

Moot Part II !

gooday n as salam blogger..

Well, wassup? Just now, my roomie cried. Why? Coz she CAN'T go back to her hometown during Raya Haji. Hm, this is all because of being a researcher in a mooting competition doe ! Hah, new activity ni :D
Researcher? Apa kah itu? Well, based on seniors explanation, researcher are those who will find an AWESOME cases for mooters to present in front of judges( I guess). Awesome XD.

Btw, the video is about mooting. So, learn it ! Violet is cool yeah people ! See ya :D

Moot !

goodnitee n as salam..

Mooting ! Apa tu? Serius taktau. Haha, don't blame me for being such a limited-knowledge-person, coz I'm a limited-knowledge-person n I'm proud of it. Pelikss kan? Ngee :D. Well, mlm ni supposely suma budak law kena pegi FUHA utk aktiviti. Ada aktiviti bedang(I guess) movie n mooting meeting. MOOTING MEETING, mcm sedap pulak 2 words tu. kan? Anyway, yeah, KENA PEGI. However, me myself, love more to my lappy, BB, food, cloud 9 n my katil, so, tak pegi larh, mcm biasa. Haaha.

mooting !

Mooting is basically like debating but only they debate in the court(I guess). It's fun doh ! So, jum join ramai-ramai. You'll mooting, I'll enjoying n eating while watching okay ! :D. Disebabkan kemalasan yg melampau-lampau, I was left behind in the panic room(kolej kediaman). haha. Due to that, terpaksa mkn kteow sup segera brsam-sama cloud 9. Kenyang tp boring :)

kteow sup segera dihidang togather with BB :D

Apa-apa pon, semoga saya bahagia berada di sini selama setahun aka  4 tahun. UniSZA, make me fall in love with you ! will ya ?? Till then. See ya. And, Violet is sooo coool !

Classes !

goody n as salam dude..

Tedia ! 1st week of classes, well, hm, how to describe aa... It was SUPERB! (lol). superb coz no lecturers enter the class. So, pegi buang setengah jam, terus balik lena kt kolej. hehe. Basically, classes that law students are compulsory to take are Law of Torts, Law of Contracts, Islamic Legal System n Malaysian Legal System. Seriously, semuanya boring ( sbb tak dpt hidayah utk mncintai suma subjek ni lg kott). Lecturers sgt bagusss ! emm,hhee. 

                                                       warna tema FUHA. cool kan?

Buku Laws tersgt lah mahai utk pengetahuan suma. TEDIAA, 200 pages punya buku costs like rm 2oo++. Abez duit topup ceq p beli buku. Haha. Sacrificing doh ! But, books, still need to buy. PRIORITY.
( Lastly, beli yg fotostep jaa.^^. ada sesapa nk sumbang buku, amat dipersilakan.lol) violet is COOL!

Night With Seniors !


Thursday 29 September 2011

IT'S A U !

gooday n as salam..

Yeah, it's a U ! It is ? Haha. Well, I wrote this post coz of my bro(enhafiz) basically, he really wanna know about my life in a U. Btw adik, serius boring kt sini !! So, 1st day, sesi pendaftaran yg sistematik( :P ), kolej kediaman yg selesa( seminggu ja), kafeteria yg okay( I guess) really make me wanna go home ! However, I make lot of friends here ! *ayat positif crazy*

                                                              my friend. kekekeke

2nd day, I really dont wanna talk about it, including the day after it, n the day after it. Coz, minggu mesra siswa, SGT BORING. Personal thought, jgn terkecil hati pulak ye mana-mana pihak. :D
So, plz do pray for my kebahagiaan di sini. Till then. See ya. btw, violet is cool XD.