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It doesn't matter what people says..It doesn't matter how long it takes..Believe in yourself, n you'll fly high..

Friday, 30 September 2011

Classes !

goody n as salam dude..

Tedia ! 1st week of classes, well, hm, how to describe aa... It was SUPERB! (lol). superb coz no lecturers enter the class. So, pegi buang setengah jam, terus balik lena kt kolej. hehe. Basically, classes that law students are compulsory to take are Law of Torts, Law of Contracts, Islamic Legal System n Malaysian Legal System. Seriously, semuanya boring ( sbb tak dpt hidayah utk mncintai suma subjek ni lg kott). Lecturers sgt bagusss ! emm,hhee. 

                                                       warna tema FUHA. cool kan?

Buku Laws tersgt lah mahai utk pengetahuan suma. TEDIAA, 200 pages punya buku costs like rm 2oo++. Abez duit topup ceq p beli buku. Haha. Sacrificing doh ! But, books, still need to buy. PRIORITY.
( Lastly, beli yg fotostep jaa.^^. ada sesapa nk sumbang buku, amat dipersilakan.lol) violet is COOL!


  1. mak aih.... dlu kata pakia bku photostet haram laaa...... tp dy pakai plak.wek

  2. tau takpa. ni laa yg dikatakan 'cakap tak supa bikin'. terjangkit dari seseorg suda. kekek
